Please Listen to Me About Hemp


Welcome to the New(est) World Order. Like an invisible thief COVID19 came into our lives and stole the lives we once knew. It disrupted the entire global economy and yet exposed how connected as a human species and as a state we are.

The immediate ramifications of the economic shutdown around the globe can be felt in the massive fear and anxiety that grips our people regarding their ability to pay their bills. The World is now waking up and shifting their priorities.

The longer this period of isolation goes on though the deeper the destruction to the economy and the longer the effects will ripple through our people. Alaska's economic drivers are destroyed because of this virus. The price of oil will continue to fall and at least for the summer of 2020 we can expect a significant reduction in tourist activity. This global pandemic has taught us that Alaska is too dependent on the outside world and that we need to create more self-sustainability and food (and toilet paper 🧻) security as a people.

Globally food prices are about to increase and because Alaska grows barely any of her own food supply, we are going to experience significant pain for our people in this area. Oil prices will increase and the World will start moving to more environmentally friendly energy sources.

Our Hope lies in Hemp now more than ever before. Primarily, Hemp can be a home-grown food source for our people and animals that we can grow year-round for our people. An acre of Hemp will produce 700 pounds of seeds which can produce 22 gallons of seed oil used for both biofuel and food as well as 530 pounds of flour for baking. Hemp can also make toilet paper, houses, textiles, clothing and even provide energy.

Please support the Alaskan Hemp Industry and support my efforts to revolutionize Alaska's economy with Hemp. Make a purchase at or contact me to be a donor/sponsor/investor for this industrial/social/political initiative to save Alaska with Hemp and create a brand-new plant-based Healthcare system. Also please GROW HEMP and consider being a Processor of Hemp products for our people. Be the pioneers and the foundation for the New Alaskan Economy. Contact me today to help you with registration and licensing!

Thank you for your time and your action towards helping me save our state. Together, by the grace of God, we can build a better future for our people and the World from the Last Frontier with Hemp. May the Lord bless you and keep you. We will see a victory because my God never fails. Contact me today!

Looking forward to saving Alaska with you,
Sara Marie Williams, Founder/CEO
Hemp (Pays) for Healthcare in Alaska
(907) 887-6130
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Hemp (Pays) for Healthcare in Alaska mission is to revolutionize the economy of Alaska with Hemp and create self-sustainability for our people as well as a tax revenue source that can fund a revolutionized Healthcare System for Alaska. The profits from every purchase at go towards the advocacy for Alaska's Hemp Industries and the future Facilities of Healing for our people. Thank you for your support and we look forward to saving the planet with you from the Last Frontier. 

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Contact Us

Hemp for Healthcare in America/Alaska
3801 E Cottonwood Way
Wasilla AK 99654


Phone: +1-907-887-6130