How To Stop This Boat From Sinking

Originally published on September 4, 2019 this is my answer to how we stop Alaska from sinking long term into economic despair and crisis.

How To Stop This Ship From Sinking

To save the state of Alaska and the people of our Great State we must begin with the end in mind.

It's safe to say that the one idea that unifies us is that we all want a happy, healthy and prosperous population. The division always seems to come in how we get there.

The answer lies in self care and our health. Not only as a state but as a people. If you heal the people you will heal the state. In our personal lives when our health is optimal then our career and our ability to generate money is also optimal and we experience success however as our health declines so does our personal productivity. The same is true for state government who depends upon a healthy and productive populace to crowd fund government services. If the people are sick whether it be mentally, physically, or spiritually they become drains on the public assistance programs and the health of our society.

Instead of complaining, let's create solutions. Let's imagine a Healthcare System that takes a consistent, holistic approach to healing the human with whatever mind, body, and soul therapies that are available in the World. A System that gives freedom to doctors and therapists to create individualized healing strategies without arbitrary insurance or bureaucratic limitations. A System that practices energy healing, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, nutrition counseling, rapid transformational hypnotherapy and plant based medicine. A System that practices spiritual healing and the renewing of the mind by strengthening a spiritual practice. A System that sends out an emergency medical team of spiritual advisors and healers to people in crisis instead of law enforcement. A System that loves hard on the people of Alaska with the power of Jesus Christ. And finally, a System that all Alaskans can partake in regardless of ability to pay. A System of Healthcare for all humans begins with comprehensive full body imagery and testing before you even see a medical professional. This System that is dedicated with an unwavering passion and commitment to push back and end the diseases and illnesses that plague our people.

Have you caught my vision yet?

Now, your first question is how do we pay for it. I have the answer for that too. Hemp for Healthcare in Alaska. Alaska's Hemp Industry has just been funded and the race is on to make thousands of products in categories such as biodegradable plastics, bio-fuel, clothing, cosmetics, building materials, textiles and even food. Industrial Hemp has the potential to make everything we need as a population out of one plant. It even can make its own electricity and fuel to heat indoor grow facilities.

Alaska has land as our most valuable resource right now and over 2.5 million acres have just burned. Next spring those lands will be ready to plow and plant Hemp and up from the ashes Hope will arise for a diversified economy and total self sustainability for our state.

The funding plan for our new Healthcare System is to tax the biomass of the Hemp Industry at 20% and direct the revenue towards a Healthcare Fund that will fund Facilities of Healing for our people. Hemp growers can earn a 5% tax deduction if they dedicate 10% of their grow space to fruits and vegetables for local communities.

Additionally, the Hemp for Healthcare E-Commerce Platform will provide additionally funding for the Healthcare Fund through the profits from sales of Hemp products grown locally and sold statewide and globally.

Hemp can house, clothe, feed and heal our people. Hemp can heal our planet and Alaska is blessed with land to grow year round with both indoor and outdoor farms. My mission is to build houses for the homeless and feed our people with the power of the Hemp plant. I won't quit on my God given mission until every man, woman and child in this state has a hemp mattress with hemp sheets to sleep on and a hemp house to eat hemp based foods in.

If you would like consult on Alaska's Hemp Regulations or would like to invest in my mission with your time or money please find me at 1-907-887-6130 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please Like Hemp for Healthcare in Alaska on Facebook ( for Hemp Facts and Mission Progress.

We must stop our boat from sinking and diversify our economy with Hemp. Please take action today to help me create a Greener Future for Alaska in Hemp!

Sara Marie Williams

Founder, Hemp for Healthcare in Alaska

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Hemp for Healthcare in America/Alaska
3801 E Cottonwood Way
Wasilla AK 99654


Phone: +1-907-887-6130