Tips for Staying Positive and Becoming Stronger in Times of Uncertainty


The Dalai Lama says "You can see the positive side of even the worst tragedies if you adopt a holistic perspective. If you take the negative as absolute and definitive, however, you increase your worries and anxiety, whereas by broadening the way you look at a problem, you understand what is bad about it, but you accept it."

We've reached a critical point in history with the COVID-19 pandemic. It has exposed our systems for how fragile they really are, how we live our lives, where our priorities are and our ability to adapt to the changes we are being forced to make.

It is during times like these when we have the opportunity to come back stronger. The world is shifting, cleansing, and giving us a chance to change. This also opens up the perfect time for all our doubts, fears, insecurities, and self-loathing to surface, especially while we're confined to our homes.

Staying positive is the most powerful tool we have. It greatly improves the chances of recovery and success, and it's a great way to keep our immune systems strong. I wanted to share with you a couple of tips and tricks for maintaining positivity.


Take this time to practice self-care, the restful kind. Think of it as a reset time. To handle stress more efficiently, our bodies and minds need time to rest and process the changes we are dealing with in our daily lives.

Read the book you've been wanting to read. Connect or reconnect with your friends and family to just talk. Talking through your problems with someone else is a great way to work through them. Laugh. If you're feeling overwhelmed, try distancing yourself from social media or the news. 

Remember, self-care isn't always rest and relaxation. Sometimes it's putting distractions aside for a moment and confronting the parts about yourself that you want to change and overcome. Take your time, and don't be hard on yourself.

Everyone lives different lives with different schedules, obligations, responsibilities, worries, concerns, and dreams. What works for one person may not work for the other. Here are some questions designed to get you thinking in a more positive way.

What's one thing you've been wanting to do for a long time?

If you could step into your dream job tomorrow, what would it be?

What's one unhealthy habit you know you have?

Describe yourself without mentioning your occupation.

Tell me a story that always makes you laugh.

What are you most proud of yourself for and why?

What is your favorite quality about yourself or someone you love?

Share your responses in the comments!


Our bodies are our vehicles and it's important to keep them healthy, especially during a pandemic. Taking care of your body can also help maintain a healthy mentality.

Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day and eat as healthy as you can. Visit our website to order hemp foods for your protein and fiber source. Vegetables feed your brain, muscles, and nerves and go a long way toward maintaining a happy, healthy outlook.

There are plenty of workout videos online to pick from while the gyms are closed. Take up a new sport. Yoga is a good one to start with because it is great for releasing emotional tension and there are different sequences for all levels. You can use it for exercising or winding down before bed. 

Use this time to get outside. Fresh air and sunshine are some of the best resets we can get. Humans have always lived in fresh air and sunshine. Go for a walk. Listen to the birds. Notice how nature goes on. You will too.


"Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment – the key to all inner transformation. Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present. You may also notice that you cannot think and be aware of your breathing. Conscious breathing stops your mind."

– Eckhart Tolle

You don't have to meditate for hours on end to achieve this. Even 10 minutes of conscious breathing a day can decrease stress, anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, mood, digestion, and lower blood pressure. You can also meditate while walking, or reciting mantras and prayers.

Here's a link to a breathing exercise that can help strengthen your lungs.

What are some of your favorite ways to stay positive?

By Willow Groskreutz

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