Have You Heard About Hemp?


Have You Heard About Hemp?

It's pretty amazing and world changing and as Jack Herer said, "I don't know if Hemp is going to save the world but it's the only thing that can". If you are a policy maker and leader of your people, then you need to learn everything you can about the Hemp plant because Hemp is Hope for the future of Alaska and the World.

What is Hemp?

Hemp, or industrial Hemp, is a phenotype of the cannabis sativa plant species that is defined by the THC content of 1% or less. Hemp is grown for industrial uses of its derived products, as well as for various phytochemicals other than THC. (Wikipedia)

Hemp is an agricultural crop given to us by our Creator for such a time as this. To save a World that is destroyed by our past sins of pollution from burning fossil fuels, plastics and deforestation. Hemp is the answer to reversing the damage done to our earth from these industries.

What else is Hemp?

The Hemp plant has 50,000 different known uses to replace products we use on a daily basis as a human species. It is a renewable resource that yields a harvest in 4 to 5 months' time. Let's list the many things that Hemp is for our people.

Hemp is Energy.

Hemp biomass can create biofuels such as gasoline, methane, ethanol and methanol. Hemp can also be used to create electricity. It is a cleaner burning fuel than that of fossil fuels and is a renewable resource that can be harnessed by all people in all places.

Hemp is Textiles and Clothing.

Hemp fiber creates softer, longer lasting and more durable fabrics than that of cotton and takes less water and pesticides than cotton to grow. One acre of Hemp is equal to 2 to 3 acres of cotton in fiber production.

Hemp is Building Materials.

Hemp biomass can be used to create hempcrete, hemp insulation, and HempWood. Hemp is more thermally efficient, fireproof and less susceptible to mold and mildew as well as providing significant sound absorption. One acre of Hemp is equal to up to 4 acres of trees in fiber production.

Hemp is Packaging.

Hemp biomass can be used to create biodegradable and compostable packaging options that can replace plastics and cardboard currently used to package the items we purchase around the globe. Hemp is being used currently to manufacturer Hemp drinking straws that can be found on HempforHealthcare.com.

Hemp is Paper and Wood.

Hemp biomass can be used to create toilet paper, furniture, paper products of all kinds and to serve as a complete replacement for the need to cut down trees to serve our consumption needs. Hemp can grow on land suitable for farming or even indoors while trees need forests or large tracts of land for growth. Hemp can also be harvested in 120 days from planting in contrast to the years it takes for trees to grow.

Hemp is Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

In 1941, Henry Ford proved that you could make cars out of Hemp instead of steel. Recently Porsche has made a Hemp vehicle and Hempearth has made an airplane out of Hemp. Hemp fiber composite can create vehicles that can be up to 10 times stronger than steel and is more environmentally friendly to produce than steel.

Hemp is Food for Our People.

Hemp seed is a viable plant-based food source for our people. The growth of Hemp can end World Hunger. Hemp seeds hold 51g of fat and 32g of protein per 100 grams. It is also an excellent source of magnesium and Omegas. It can make milk, pasta, baked goods or be eaten alone.

Hemp is Good for the Planet.

Wherever Hemp is planted it absorbs toxic metals, chemicals and radiation from the soil thus cleaning the soil for future use. Hemp also cleans the air of carbon emissions wherever it is planted. Planting Hemp will help clean up the damage we have done to our planet.

Hemp is Jobs.

In a time, such as this when the World needs more jobs for the people, the Hemp industry answers the call and provides jobs in every area of growing, manufacturing, transportation and retail of these products into mainstream society.

Hemp is Economic Diversification and Development for our Planet.

The Hemp industry will create a new economy that is plant based. It provides the answers we have been looking for about how we can stop the pollution that is causing extinction of wildlife and polluting our oceans, land and air. It is a new opportunity to give the power back to people to create a self-sustainable future for themselves out of Hemp.

Hemp is Freedom.

Hemp has the potential to create an economy where each country can grow, process and create everything they need in an Earth friendly way out of Hemp. It removes the bondage of Oil Companies and Plastics who have knowingly continued to destroy our planet in the name of profits. It gives the power to the people to grow their own fuel and everything else they need. Therefore, it removes the fear of lack and can bring abundance to all people in all places.

How Will Alaska Benefit from Hemp?

Alaska has a landmass size of 586,412 square miles or about 365,000,000 acres and a population of 730,000. Alaska's primary economic drivers are oil, tourism, mining and commercial fishing. As the climate continues to change and the oceans become more polluted these economic drivers are volatile and Alaska deserves better.

Hemp provides Hope and Economic Development for Alaska. Hemp (Pays) for Healthcare in Alaska provides a social, political and industrial platform to fund a new Healthcare system, create prison reform and build homes for the homeless. Visit HempforHealthcare.com to donate or Buy Hemp and support our efforts to revolutionize Alaska's economy with Hemp. 

How Industrial Hemp Will Revolutionize Alaska's Economy

 Welcome to Alaska's Future Green Economy of Hemp. Take a look at the infographic and find 5 products that you use on a daily basis. Mine are cosmeticsπŸ’„ my car πŸš— and gasoline β›½ clothing πŸ‘•πŸ‘–πŸ§£πŸ§€πŸ§₯πŸ§¦πŸ‘—πŸ‘œπŸ₯Ύ and food 🍞πŸ₯žπŸ”πŸŸπŸ¦ What were yours? Now think about the plastic, paper, or even metal packaging that those products come in. πŸ₯€πŸ₯‘πŸ›’πŸ“„πŸ—žπŸ§΄ Think about the boxes...
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Hemp for Healthcare in America/Alaska
3801 E Cottonwood Way
Wasilla AK 99654

Email: contact@hempforhealthcare.com

Phone: +1-907-887-6130