Thursday, 17 February 2022
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Are you ready for a Healthcare Revolution?

Do you believe that pharmaceutical companies have developed synthetic medicines for way too long with no consequences?

Do you believe that plants are better medicine than any pharmaceutical?

Do you believe that humans should use plants as a first line of defense against illness instead of synthetic ingredients?

Then this group is for you. Here we believe in the plants that God gave us as the first medicine we should apply to the illnesses that the enemy afflicts us with. Whatever your issue, there is a plant for that.

Therefore, please use this forum and this post as a way that we can outline how we can have a plant based healthcare system here in Alaska and model something similar to that of the German Commission E. How do we burst out of the chains placed by corrupt government and profit driven motives that tell us and our medical professionals that they must use a synthetic and that plants are "antidoteal" This is a lie. There is much scientific proof provided globally that plants possess healing benefits. It is time that we give them their chance to shine in the sun.

If you are passionate about plant based medicine please share your knowledge and build other up. There are many roles to play in this implementation as well. Let's grow together a better world that is connection to the earth that we were given to steward and away from synthetic and fake medicines.

What shall we do first you ask?

We build community. We build the resource of education and support. We tell people of this resource that is available to them and if they simply #BuyHemp on they can earn points towards ways to fund their own #healthcare needs such as diagnostic testing, vitamins and supplements and other plant-based remedies.

How can you contribute?

If you learn something new about a plant that does something amazing for the human body, then post it in this forum.
If you see someone struggling with a condition and you have experience and knowledge about a plant remedy that helped them then please share your experience.

Knowledge is knowledge. It doesn't matter if you went to school for years to get it or you just learned it today, it is still knowledge and here we dedicate our minds to the discovery of knowledge.

We can do this. Remember we walk by faith that God will provide the resources and movement forward, but it will take you as pioneers to step out and step up in a new world order that sees plants and earthly derived elements as the only medicine that humans need.

Who is with me?
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Important Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with an informed healthcare professional. 

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Hemp for Healthcare in America/Alaska
3801 E Cottonwood Way
Wasilla AK 99654


Phone: +1-907-887-6130