Whether you voted for him or not it's time to take notice that President Joe Biden is making big changes for America and her environmental responsibility. Change is hard and often we think with every technology release that change is bad. This time though change is vital and either we change or we die. It's that simple.

Did you know though that these changes that are happening all over the World and even here in America are all positioning the Hemp Industry for an incredible comeback story? Let's discuss three areas of environmental policy and economic policy that is changing right now and is a tremendous opportunity for the Hemp Industry to shine!

Cover Crop Potential

Did you know that Farmers around America are being subsidized 1.5 times the value of their crop whether it is food or livestock to destroy that crop and agree to not farm that land for 10, 20 and 30 year timeframes unless they plant a "Cover Crop". The government advises this is meant to reduce carbon emissions from traditional agriculture practices.

Well, did you know that Hemp is a Carbon Sequestration Plant? One hectare of Hemp absorbs 1.63 Tons of Carbon from the air and the soil. Therefore, if we chose to plant Hemp for food, fiber, medicine, and fuel we could effectively continue to farm those lands, heal the planet and make products that the people need without experiencing a food shortage.

Building Materials Replacement

Did you know that the price of lumber and other building materials has more than doubled over the past year? This is exciting news for Hempcrete, hemp engineered wood, hemp insulation, and even hemp paint! This gives the Hemp Building Materials Sector a time to stand up and shine as a better alternative for the planet than deforestation, oil, and fiberglass.

Companies like Hempitecture in Idaho are capitalizing on this time to create manufacturing facilities for building materials made out of Hemp. Prices won't stay high forever but as they are right now Hemp is an incredible opportunity to give an alternative that is more environmentally friendly so that when prices level out the people will still choose Hemp.

Fuel and Energy Replacement

Have you seen gas prices lately? Rising to the point of unaffordability this gives the Hemp Biofuel and Hemp Energy Sectors a perfect opportunity to step up and shine as a more environmentally friendly option than Oil and Petroleum. This increase in gas prices will also affect the prices of plastic packaging which will increase product prices around the World as well. Therefore, the Hemp and Corn BioPlastics Sector of the Industry is also ready for its time in the sun!

Hemp Remains Hope but the Time is Now!

Hemp remains the hope that America and Alaska need for an industry that can provide self-sustainability for our state and our country. But we must capitalize on that opportunity right now to educate the people who are living in fear and scared about the future of the food, fuel, and shelter supply. Let them know that we have an answer that is even better for the planet and their own bodies than what they know now. Let them know that we are the hope dealers. That we bring alternatives that will give a cleaner planet in the future for their children. We are the planetary superheroes on the scene but only if we step up and work hard to help them see the light of Hemp!

To the Hemp Farmers, Producers, Transporters, Retailers, Marketers, and the Supply Chain, I thank you for your hard work and your commitment to seeing a successful global and national Hemp industry. We are in this together and together we will rise!

Choose Hemp. Grow Hemp. Buy Hemp and support the mission on HempforHealthcare.com.